best residential wiring services st johns nl

If you’re thinking about your house’s residential wiring in St. John’s, NL, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, updating your wiring can accommodate more devices and protect your home from potential electrical problems. Second, rewiring your home is a major project that should be done by a professional. Finally, while the cost of residential rewiring can be significant, it’s important to factor in the long-term benefits of updated wiring.

At ShockFree Electrical, we have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do!

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Why Do I Need a Whole House Rewiring?

Whole house rewiring is a big job, but it comes with a lot of benefits. It can help prevent electrical fires and reduce the number of breaker trips / blown fuses.

There are several reasons you might need to rewire your home. If your home is more than 40 years old, the wiring may not be up to code. Additionally, if you’ve had any major renovations or additions, your home’s wiring may need to be updated.

The best residential wiring services in St. John’s, NL can be a big investment, but they can also provide peace of mind. Knowing that your home is safe from electrical fires and power surges can be worth the cost. If you’re considering a whole-house rewire, talk to a qualified electrician to learn more.

What Should We Plan in Hot Tub and Pool Rewiring?

If you have a hot tub or pool, it’s important to make sure the residential electrical wiring in St. John’s, NL is up to code. Otherwise, you could be putting yourself and your family at risk.

There are a few things to look for when checking the wiring on your hot tub or pool. First, make sure all of the wires are properly insulated. If they’re not, they could short circuit and cause a fire.

Second, check that all of the connections are tight. Loose connections can also lead to fires.

Finally, if you have any questions about the wiring on your hot tub or pool, don’t hesitate to call a qualified residential electrician. They can help you make sure everything is safe and up to code.

Should I Hire Residential Wiring Services Near St. John’s, NL to Change Switches & Outlet Installation?

If you’re looking to update your home’s wiring, switches and outlets are a great place to start. Not only are they relatively easy to install, but they also provide a major safety upgrade. With modern outlets and electric receptacles providing reliable power, your home will be exponentially safer.

Residential electrical wiring in St. John’s, NL can be a daunting task, but with a little help from the experts, it doesn’t have to be.

Do you need the electrical panel change? A professional certified electrician will solve your problem in no time.


It is possible to get a special computer wiring for your house. This type of residential wiring in St. John’s. NL is typically used for ethernet jack installations. You have to know the length of the ethernet cable and the type of ethernet jack you need.
If you're considering having aluminum wiring installed in your home, aluminum can be used in the service but is generally avoid in the house wiring itself. While aluminum wiring is generally considered safe, it can pose a fire hazard if not installed properly.

ShockFree Electrical offers electrical support for residential needs in St. John’s, NL. Call at 709-800-2778 to find the solution to electrical in-house issues.


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